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North State Shooting Club

Organized in 1971

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NSSC 2024 High Power Rifle Matches

Click Event Name for results of past events.



Course of Fire

Match Director

Feb. 3-4

Sat: 300, 500, 600, 600 team (one hour start time delay)Sun: Palma

Mike Butts

Feb. 24-25

Sat: 800 Agg XTC Polar Bear Match
Sun: 500 Agg XTC


Mar 15-17

Fri: Mid Range Practice 
Sat: 3x 600 Any/Iron
Sun: 2x 600 plus Team Any/Any

Chris Blankenship

Mar 23-24

Sat: 800 Agg XTC
Sun: 500 AGG XTC

Carlton Bray

Apr 12-14

Fri: LR Practice
Sat: 2x 1000 plus team Any/Iron
Sun: 3x 1000 Any/Any

Pete LaBerge

Apr 20-21

Sat: 800 Agg XTC
Sun: EIC plus open practice


May 13-18

Mon: Team 300, 600, 900, 1000 - Practice in conjunction with team
Tue: 300, 500, 600, 900
Wed: 300, 500, 600, 1000
Thu: 300, 500, 600, 1000
Fri: 800, 900, 1000
Sat: 800, 900, 1000

Norm Crawford

June 1-2

Sat: 800 Agg XTC
Sun: 500 Agg XTC

John Leazar

June 7-9

Fri: 3x 1000 Warm Up Match
Sat: 2x 1000 plus Team Any/Iron
Sun: 3x 1000 Any/Any

Savannah Andrews

June 21-23

Fri: Mid Range Practice 
Sat: 3x 600 yard
Sun: 3x 600 yard

John Ayala

June 29-30

Sat: 800 Agg XTC
Sun: 500 Agg XTC


July 12-14

Fri: Practice starts at Noon
Sat: Palma plus Any/Iron Team
Sun: 2x 1000 plus Any/Any Team

Russ Jones

July 27-28

Fri: Practice starts at Noon
Sat: 2x 1000 plus Team
Sun: 2x 1000

Vince Sferrazza

Sept 14-15

Sat: 1000 Agg XTC
Sun: EIC Leg Match and Governor's 10 Match


Sept 20-22

Fri: Mid Range Practice 
Sat: 2x 600 plus Team Any/Iron
Sun: 3x 600 Any/Any

Keith Hoverstad

Oct 18-20

Fri: LR Practice 
Sat: 2x 1000 plus Team Any/Iron
Sun: 3x 1000 Any/Any

Dave McFarling

Nov 1-3

Fri: LR Practice at Noon
Sat: 3x 1000 Any/Any
Sun: 3x 1000 Any/Any

John Ayala

Nov 15-17

Fri: LR Practice at Noon
Sat: 2x 1000 plus Team Any/Iron
Sun: 3x 1000 Any/Iron

James Crofts

Contact Carlton Bray or John Leazar to assist with any Matches
No Match Director = No Match

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